Friday, October 15, 2010

The Three Little Rascals

Oh, but are we RASCALS, we three!

We have pulled out of the crate all of the pillowcases we should be sleeping on,
and we have turned them into tug-o'-war toys and dust mops and slip-slides ...
Erin says we're "as naughty as can be" - - but we know she thinks we're "impossibly adorable", too - - so we ignore her and create as much havoc as our imaginations can muster!

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  1. How cute can they be!!

  2. I love you blossom! You little rascal.. by the way, the pillows were all right- you have your fun..
    Hi erin,
    I love your blog- all the pups are soo cute!
    -Alexandra Farina
